Catapult Future Cities launch of new standards for Data Sharing and Project Planning in Smart Cities

The Future Cities Catapult is coming to Edinburgh to launch two new free guides – part of the British Standards Institution’s series of smart city standards – to help local government officials, businesses and other city stakeholders to share data better in the context of GDPR, and to plan and deliver ‘smarter’ projects in more agile and effective ways.

The guides are:
(1) A Guide to establishing a decision-making framework for sharing data and information services
(2) A Guide to Developing project proposals for delivering smart city solutions

This event will introduce the two standards, and council representatives, who have played an active role in creating the standards, will discuss their relevance to Scottish cities.

The agenda for the session is as follows:

13.00 Registration and lunch [provided] 14.00 Welcome and introduction
14.15 Data sharing in cities, in the context of GDPR: overview of the ‘PAS 183’ guide. Jacqui Taylor, Flying Binary [author of PAS 183] and Ritchie Somerville, Edinburgh City Council.
15.15 Tea/coffee break
15.30 Developing smart city strategy and implementing smart city projects: overview of the ‘PAS 181’ and ‘PAS 184’ smart city guides
Chris Parker, CS Transform [author of PAS 181 and PAS 184] and Gordon Wright, Aberdeen City Council.
16.30 Discussion
17.00 Close