MaaS Scotland is excited to launch a series of Special Interest Groups that will explore some of the key enablers of future MaaS delivery and upscale in Scotland.
Global developments in MaaS continue to accelerate, with an increasing number of feasibility and demonstration projects leading to the regional adoption of MaaS solutions. In Scotland, the MaaS Investment Fund Programme is already supporting three regional projects with more to be added through Round 2 in 2021.
As the MaaS landscape becomes busier, it is becoming increasingly important to hear the experiences of others, learning from what has gone before and consolidating knowledge that will inform the future delivery of MaaS in Scotland. It is crucial that projects and stakeholders do not work in isolation, but work together to overcome challenges and achieve the upscale in MaaS we are all striving to achieve.
MaaS Scotland recognises its role to support this and has created a series of Special Interest Groups to explore some of the key enablers of MaaS. These groups will provide an opportunity for our members to contribute their own thoughts and experiences towards a cohesive blueprint for the upscale of MaaS solutions in Scotland.
Each group will meet on a regular basis, providing a forum to:
- Ensure visibility of current MaaS developments (in Scotland and further afield)
- Develop best practice guidance for MaaS delivery
- Discuss solutions to some of the key challenges to MaaS upscale
- Support the creation of a Roadmap for future MaaS delivery in Scotland
- Facilitate collaborative opportunities
Registration is now open for the initial online meetings within this series:
NOTE: Places within these meetings will be limited and priority will be given to MaaS Scotland members. If you are interested in becoming a member of MaaS Scotland then please get in touch below.
MaaS Scotland is keen to hear what you would like to see from future Special Interest Groups. If there is a topic you would like to see covered in future, please get in touch.
Contact: [email protected].