Technology Scotland recently talked to our new member, Love to Ride, to find out more about them and introduce them to the Technology Scotland community. Read on below to learn about what they do, some major milestones they have reached, the exciting projects they have coming up and more!

What does your organisation do?

We create and run bespoke, online cycling behaviour change programmes. Supporting people to cycle more confidently, more often, for transportation! What does that really mean though…

Using our website and app, we work with public, private, and third sector organisations to create localised trip logging websites; people can log their journeys, set goals, post photos and stories, win prizes, and receive localised information to support them to cycle for everyday journeys.

We then provide rich data reports on barriers, motivations, travel behaviour, and rich trip data to demonstrate impacts to our clients and improve local infrastructure.

We use behaviour change theory to inform or messaging and content – check out our video below:

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

I’ve been with Love to Ride for 3 years and in the short time we’ve achieved some major milestones:

  1. Launching our automated trip-logging app – It’s a game-changer, journey logging is up 900% for users who use the app. Think about those short 1-5mile journeys that people maybe don’t record on Strava or enter manually, they are now part of the bigger picture to build a rich dataset of cycling behaviour in a region. It also provides more user-friendly data and options for our users to take part in our programmes.
  2.  Launch of our Insights Dashboard – Launched in 2022, our Insights dashboard provides instant access to stacks of data. Rather than playing to our timeline, clients can filter our dataset to on data range, gender and more to get the info they need.
  3. Achieving (almost!) 50/50 Male Female participation in on our Scotland programmes was a huge milestone! We recognise that there is still a lot of work to working with getting more women on bikes in Scotland. And working with other demographics; people of colour, SIMD areas, hard-to-reach communities in Scotland. The only we can achieve this is through partnership working!

Tell us something exciting about your organisation

Our 23 Million Mile Challenge! This is a hugely exciting campaign in partnership with the UCI Cycling World Championships Team. The campaign runs from Apr 21st – Aug 13th (up to and including the world champs).

We are highlighting events, venues, ticketing, proving some exciting prizes for participants, and capturing the excitement of the champs, translating this into everyday journeys by bike.

Everyone in Scotland can take part, sign up today at

Why did you join Technology Scotland?

Two reasons!

First, MaaS Scotland brings together so many organisations from public and private sector working to deliver projects, capture data and ultimately make sustainable transport an option for many. It’s an opportunity to network, share best practice, and make the case that we support MaaS and its wide benefits.

Second, value for money! We are a small social business and the membership was an opportunity for us to raise our profile, network, attend local and national events at a really cost effective price point!

Find out more about Love to Ride by visiting their website.