Report highlights leadership challenge in delivering Mobility as a Service in Scotland
Technology Scotland, in partnership with Tactran, SEStran and HITRANS, today published a new report ‘Implementing Mobility as a Service: A Roadmap for Scotland’.
Delivered through the MaaS Scotland Network, and supported through the Smarter Choices Smarter Places programme, the report details 16 recommendations that will accelerate the delivery of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Scotland, covering themes including leadership, governance, investment, user engagement, evaluation and data.
Across these recommendations, the report highlights the single biggest challenge to the successful delivery of MaaS in Scotland is a lack of clear leadership. The absence of a longer-term vision is stifling progress, limiting stakeholder interest and reducing opportunities for public and private investment. The report goes on to state that, “while the development of this vision must be a collaborative effort, Scottish Government and Transport Scotland must fulfil this leadership role and take responsibility and ownership for the delivery of MaaS and adjacent digital solutions across our transport network”.
Ally McInroy, CEO at Technology Scotland, said,
“This roadmap was created to provide an important contribution towards our ambitions to develop a modern, integrated transport network, one that will meet increasing customer demand for digital access to key services. While each recommendation in this report should be considered important, it is only through wider implementation across all thematic areas that the true benefit of MaaS can be fully exploited.
This requires leadership and the development of a clearly defined strategy across transport digitalisation. We encourage Scottish Government, Transport Scotland and all other stakeholders to identify their role in delivering on this important tool in our efforts to develop a more inclusive and sustainable transport network.”