Data and Governance Special Interest Group
About our Data SIG
Data will be a key enabler for future MaaS solutions. From fares to scheduling, traffic management to vehicle positioning, data will support more informed travel choices and allow more efficient use of our transport assets.
Against this backdrop, questions must be asked to identify how data can best be used to support a more efficient and attractive transport network.
• How do we best use data to support MaaS services?
• How do we unlock the true value of data?
• Who owns the data and who can access it?
• What changes to legislation or regulation may be required to support data use?
• How do we keep data secure?
About our Governance SIG
The direction of MaaS development and deployment will continue to be heavily influenced by regional and national policy instruments. If we are to realise the many benefits of MaaS then these instruments must encourage modal shift through supporting more accessible, integrated, affordable and environmentally friendly services. They must also be adapted in such a way as to continue to encourage private sector collaboration and investment.
This group will explore the role of good governance in the delivery of MaaS and will discuss areas including:
• Policy alignment and maximising public value
• Developing the public-private partnership
• Delivery models
• Regulation and licensing
• Innovation and procurement
This joint group will explore the issues detailed above and others with input from a diverse range of stakeholders from within the transport, communications, governance and data communities.
NOTE: Places within these meetings will be limited and priority will be given to MaaS Scotland members. If you are interested in becoming a member of MaaS Scotland then please get in touch with [email protected]

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