EVENT: Mobility as a Service Workshop: Creating Successful Solutions in Scotland

Mobility as a service (MaaS) is a hot topic, with a number of small trials already taking place throughout the world. These trials have raised awareness for MaaS services, which in turn has and has increased the appetite in the UK for further regional trials.

The Knowledge Transfer Network and Maas Scotland will be running a joint one day workshop on 22nd November 2017. The Scottish MaaS group have identified a number of opportunities in Scotland where MaaS services could be implemented, and the aim of this workshop is to look at these in more detail and to initiate consortia building.

This workshop will bring together industry, the public sector and researchers to investigate the MaaS opportunities in Scotland to:

Identify if there are any further opportunities in Scotland for MaaS Services

Discuss each opportunity in depth, to help shape the projects

Provide opportunity for attendees to develop consortia to work on identified projects

Analysis on each project consortia to identify technology and participation gaps.

This will be an invitation only workshop. If you are interested in being invited to participate, please express your interest to attend by registering on this site. You will be notified on or before 1st November whether a place will be allocated to you.